Applications are currently being reviewed for the 2021-2022 Council.

The 2021-2022 Application for the Bill of Rights Teacher Council is now closed.
FAQs about BRI's Teacher Council
What is the Council?
The Council is comprised of a diverse group of 20-25 educators that assist the Institute in carrying out its mission in the following ways:
- Advising the Institute on strategic initiatives by providing feedback on classroom resources and best practices in student learning as well as regional civics initiatives
- Assisting the Institute with monthly projects including but not limited to writing projects, editing projects, and resource renewal projects
What is the term of the commitment?
The Teacher Council commitment is a one-year term that will run from August 1, 2021-July 31, 2022. Council members will need to sign a Letter of Agreement agreeing to the terms and conditions of Council membership. The intended work-load of the council is between 3-5 hours a month and will include a monthly meeting with BRI Staff. Teachers may serve up to two consecutive terms on the Council.
What is the compensation?
The Council will be compensated at a rate of $150 per month for their work for a total of $1,800 over the course of the term of the Teacher Council. Payment is contingent upon successful completion of all monthly tasks agreed to in the Letter of Agreement that will be provided to accepted Council members.
What are the requirements to serve on the Council?
Educators must have at least one year of classroom experience in grades 7-12 and educators must be teaching in a social studies role at the 7-12 grade level during the time they serve on the Council. Experience using BRI curriculum and resources and attending BRI programming is preferred.
What are the application requirements?
The application consists of profile information and short answer responses and requires submission of a writing sample as well as a letter of recommendation from an administrator or department head.
What if I additional questions?
Laura Vlk, Senior Manager of Teacher Services, leads our Teacher Council. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions.