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Should the U.S. Government Increase Regulations on Social Media Companies?

48.6% yes
51.4% no

In recent days, a whistleblower from the Facebook organization has claimed that the company’s products, “harm children, stoke division and weaken our democracy.” This is not the first time that a social media company has come under scrutiny, as Americans have previously debated how giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram should handle misinformation and hate speech. Congress is again considering increasing regulations on social media, leading to more debates on the topic. 

Those who support the government increasing regulations on social media companies argue that lawmakers need to do so for the good of all Americans. They argue that unregulated social media has allowed misinformation to spread and bred increased national divisions by allowing debates on their platforms. Additionally, they may argue that these unregulated companies can pick and choose what viewpoints to allow to be broadcast on their platforms, which harms the free exchange of ideas. 

Those who oppose the government increasing regulations on social media companies argue that increasing government regulations on social media would cause more harm than good. They contend that the companies themselves should be the ones to implement any increased regulations, as they know their platforms better than lawmakers. Additionally, they may argue that individuals have a responsibility to monitor their own behaviors and that it is not the government’s responsibility to promote civil discourse and virtue. Finally, they may claim that increased regulations will be detrimental to a company’s freedom to determine its own policies. 

 So, what do you think? Should the U.S. Government Increase Regulations on Social Media Companies? Students may answer Yes, it should; No, it should not, or a nuanced answer in-between! 

 Note: Ideal Think the Vote responses include the following:  

-Address the question asked in a thoughtful and meaningful manner  

-Use cited facts and constitutional arguments when appropriate to support their answers  

-Are expressed in cohesive sentences and are free of distracting spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors  

-They address counter-arguments and opposing concerns in a respectful manner  

-They organize their answer in a manner that flows logically and reads clearly  

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