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Handout H: Glossary – The Bill of Rights (ELL)

Amendment: A change or an addition (to the Constitution).

Anti-Federalists: People who opposed the Constitution as written in 1787.

Bill of Rights: The first 10 amendments to the Constitution that protect the individual rights of citizens.

Constitution: The document that explains the plan of government and rules it follows.

Federalists: People who supported the Constitution as written in 1787.

Federalism: The people delegate certain powers to the national government, while the states retain other powers.

Inalienable Rights: Rights which belong to us by nature and can never be justly taken away.

Liberty: Except where authorized by citizens through the Constitution, government does not have the authority to limit freedom.

Limited Government: Citizens are best able to pursue happiness when government is confined to those powers which protect their life, liberty, and property.

Private Property: The natural right of all individuals to create, obtain, and control their possessions, beliefs, faculties, and opinions, as well as the fruits of their labor.

Ratify: To pass or approve a law.

Restrict: Limit what someone or something can do.

Rights: The natural freedom to do something.